About the Reviewers
Christian Droulers is a late-blooming software developer. He only started programming in college and has not stopped since. He's interested in beautiful, clean, and efficient code.
Steve Shilling has worked in the IT industry commercially since 1987, but started with computers in 1982 writing BASIC programs and debugging game programs written by others. He has broad knowledge about Unix, Windows, and Mainframe systems. He primarily lives in the Unix/Linux world automating systems for deployments and businesses, and has spent many years working in system administration, software development, training, and managing technical people. He remains in the technical field of expertise providing knowledge and experience to companies around the world to make their systems stable, reliable, and delivered on time. His experience has taken him through many different industries covering banking and finance, insurance services, betting exchanges, TV and media, retail, and others, allowing him to have a unique perspective of IT in business where most have only worked in one industry.
Steve works for TPS Services Ltd., which specializes in IT training and consultancy, life coaching, management training, and counselling. The IT part of TPS Services Ltd. specializes in Linux/Unix systems for small, medium, and large organizations, and the integration of Linux and Windows systems.