Learning Single:page Web Application Development

The SPA directory structure

There's lots of consensus among the main frameworks and libraries about how to do MVC architecture, declarative bindings, and so on. Your choice will deeply influence your architecture.

Some frameworks recommend a specific directory structure to be followed, but some others are more flexible.

We'll adopt a boilerplate to build our API in the next chapters, and we'll discuss more about server structure and code organization; we should always think with regard to maintenance and scalability of the application. For now, let's see an example of a basic structure in detail that is very common to all MVC patterns:

A simple basic SPA folder structure consists of the following:

  • Basic-folder-example [SPA]: This folder is the root of our application and has our one main file, index.html.
  • CSS: This folder contains all stylesheets.
  • images: This folder contains all images.
  • js: This has all the subfolders and a file called app.js (our startup file).
  • controllers folder: This contains all controllers' files, but we can name this as Collections or ViewModels depending on what kind of library or framework we will be using.
  • models: This folder contains all model files.
  • views: This folder has all view files (only data, no HTML rendering here).
  • libs: This contains all third-party libraries such as jQuery, Handlebars, and Knockout.
  • templates: This folder has all script templates such as Handlebars, Underscore. Note that this folder contains all the templates we will use in our application.

Note that we don't have any folder to deal with routes, but from a basic application, we can put our routing logic in our app.js or server.js file.


In Node.js applications, often the initialization file is called app.js or server.js and is always in the root directory of the application.

Despite being a very basic structure, it is sufficient for understanding the basics of folder names. Of course, as things are getting complex, we need to re-evaluate this structure (maybe include a folder for Sass or Less files and also add some other things). However, in the course of the book, we will see some alternatives.