About the Reviewers
Tristan Denyer is a UX designer for web and mobile, including web apps and portals, e-commerce, online video players and widgets, games (online, iPhone, and board), marketing sites, and more. He's also a UI developer and a WordPress theme developer. He is currently leading the UX/UI for the product team at a start-up in San Francisco. He recently wrote A Practical Handbook for WordPress Themes, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform to help owners and operators of self-hosted WordPress websites get the most out of their themes.
His passions include prototyping, web security, writing, carpentry, burritos, and maintaining his popular jQuery plugin on GitHub that helps duplicate a section of a form. He can be found on Twitter at @tristandenyer
and on GitHub at https://github.com/tristandenyer, and he blogs at http://tristandenyer.com/.
Marija Zaric is a web designer living in Belgrade with a focus on individual and commercial clients who demand websites that are clear, modern, creative, simple, and responsive. She works with clients from the USA and all over the world, helping them present their services in a unique yet professional way.
Years ago, she started experimenting with Dreamweaver, CSS, and XHTML. She became very fond of coding and retro design. This influenced her to create her first website and achieve subsequent successes. Today, she is a relentless learner. What she loves the most about web design is the constant changes in the field, especially its evolution in the last 3 years when she got inspired by its simplicity, great images, typography, and the possibility to optimize a single website for various devices.
She redesigned and incorporated these styles into her own website and called it Creative Simplicity. With the development of HTML5, she made free templates that are used all over the world in order to advertise her work and share the knowledge. She predicts that in 2015, flat and modern web design will be here to stay, supported by nice photography, responsive design, and strong typography. Her projects can be found at http://www.marijazaric.com/ and http://creativesimplicitywebstudio.com/.