Troubleshooting Citrix XenDesktop?


Citrix XenDesktop® is the leading solution of desktop virtualization that provides users with access to their favorite apps and desktops on any device, anywhere using Citrix Receiver™.

XenDesktop® brings the applications and desktops to the user in a bundle, presented and arranged in the form of catalogs. The user either needs a basic office application or a high-end engineering application that runs on a hosted desktop environment and it requires a proper planning of the network, server, and storage pieces to make it a successful VDI deployment.

Due to involvement of multiple layers in the XenDesktop® infrastructure design, it becomes essential for Citrix administrators to have a good understanding of these infrastructure pieces in order to manage and maintain the XenDesktop® environment.

This practical guide will give you clear, concise, and real-world troubleshooting instructions on a number of commonly faced Citrix XenDesktop® problems.

This book will provide you with the fundamental knowledge on desktop virtualization and XenDesktop® architecture. Each chapter in this book is focused on a specific troubleshooting area giving the users some time to learn and apply relevant tools and practices to troubleshoot the problems with a well-defined approach.