Image Processing with ImageJ(Second Edition)

About the Authors

Jurjen Broeke has a PhD in neuroscience from Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam and uses live-cell imaging techniques to study the fundamental processes of neuronal function. As a neuroscientist, he studies the processes involved in neural communication. Besides acquiring images, Jurjen also develops software to analyze dynamics in ImageJ, MATLAB, and R. When not enjoying the outdoors and taking pictures, he develops technical hardware and software solutions in the Department of Functional Genomics at VU.

José María Mateos Pérez is a Spanish postdoctoral fellow at the Montreal Neurological Institute (, where his main research lines deal with neurodevelopment and machine learning applied to clinical prediction. He has also been an experienced ImageJ user and has developed several macros and plugins. One of them, jClustering, has been published in PLOS ONE, a peer-reviewed journal. When he has enough time to procrastinate, he also likes to develop data analysis tools in Python and R.

Javier Pascau received his PhD from Polytechnic University in Madrid in 2006 and is currently a visiting professor at Carlos III University, Madrid. He has been a part of Biomedical Imaging and Instrumentation Group, a research laboratory with a multidisciplinary team of engineers, physicists, biologists, and physicians located both in the university as well as Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón ( Javier's research and teaching cover areas such as medical image processing, analysis, quantification, and multimodal registration, both in preclinical and clinical environments. He has been involved in the development of small animal PET and CT devices. In the last few years, Javier has led several projects on intraoperative radiation therapy and image-guided surgery. He has authored more than 40 papers published in peer-reviewed journals over the last 15 years.

I want to thank all my colleagues at the university and the hospital, since my knowledge on image processing is the result of multiple interactions in this multidisciplinary environment.