Chapter 2. Principles of Flux
In the previous chapter, you were introduced at a 10,000 foot level to some of the core Flux principles. For example, unidirectional data-flow is central to Flux's existence. The aim of this chapter is to go beyond the simplistic view of Flux principles.
We'll kick things off with a bit of an MVC retrospective—to identify where it falls apart when we're trying to scale a frontend architecture. Following this, we'll take a deeper look at at unidirectional data-flow and how it solves some of the scaling issues we've identified in MVC architectures.
Next, we'll address some high-level compositional issues faced by Flux architectures, such as making everything explicit and favoring layers over deep hierarchies. Finally, we'll compare the various kinds of state found in a Flux architecture and introduce the concept of an update round.