What you need for this book
Firstly, this book is intended for readers who have a background at least in Java SDK programming. This book does not cover anything about how to start dealing with Java as a language. Secondly, each chapter of this book enumerates the technical requirement to execute the respective Eclipse projects, but the following are the overall general requirements that the user must have:
- Any machine with at least 4 GB of RAM
- Java SDK 1.7.x
- Maven 3.2.x
- Eclipse STS 3.6 or higher
- Apache Tomcat 7.x
- Apache Solr 5.4
- Neo4J CE 2.2.10
- Apache ActiveMQ 5.2.x
- Apache Pluto 2.0.3
- RabbitMQ 3.5.6
- Erlang 7.1
- MongoDB 3.2
- MySQL 5.6
- VisualVM
- SoapUI 5.2.1
- iReport 5.6.x
- Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browser
Lastly, upgrading Java, Maven, and Tomcat versions will require users to recompile the existing Eclipse projects with some changes in Maven library versions to resolve compatibility issues.