Chapter 1. Building a Twitter-Like Application Using the MVC Design Pattern
The Model View Controller (MVC) design pattern was very popular in the eighties in the software industry. This pattern helped so many engineers and companies to build better software for a while and is still useful nowadays with the rise of Node.js and some Node frameworks as Express.js (more information about Express.js and its API can be found at http://expressjs.com/).
As the Express.js website says, it is "Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Node.js."
Express.js is the most popular Node framework and many companies across the globe have adopted it. So in our first application, let's see how to apply the MVC pattern to create an application using only JavaScript at the backend.
In this chapter, we will cover these topics:
- Installing the Node and Express framework
- MVC design pattern
- Dealing with Yeoman generator
- How to use Express generator
- How to deal with Express template engine
- User authentication
- MongoDB connection with Mongoose Schema