Setting up the system
Before starting, we must set up our embedded board by installing all the going to use the BeagleBone Black to test the code; however, as already stated earlier, every command or program used here can be used indifferently on the other embedded boards too.
First of all, we have to install the command-line interpreter for the PHP scripting language and the related plugin for the Apache web server. We can do it using the usual aptitude
command, as follows:
root@bbb:~# aptitude install php5-cli libapache2-mod-php5
Then, a package for the Python interpreter proves to be useful in creating daemons:
root@bbb:~# aptitude install python-daemon
Then, we have to install the following packages for xinetd
root@bbb:~# aptitude install xinetd telnet
For MySQL, we need the following packages:
root@bbb:~# aptitude install mysql-client mysql-server
During the installation of the preceding MySQL packages, the system should ask for an administrative root user. This is not the system's root user, but it's the root user of the MySQL server, so we should put a different password from the system's root user (even if it's not required at all).
Then, we need some extra packages to add some libraries to talk with the MySQL daemon in C, PHP, and Python languages. Here is the command to install these packages:
root@bbb:~# aptitude install libmysqlclient-dev php5-mysqlnd python-mysqldb