Amazon's expertise and the gradient descent algorithm
Amazon has been using machine learning for the retail side of its business and has build a serious expertise in predictive analytics. This expertise translates into the choice of algorithm powering the Amazon ML service.
The Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) algorithm is the algorithm powering Amazon ML linear models and is ultimately responsible for the accuracy of the predictions generated by the service. The SGD algorithm is one of the most robust, resilient, and optimized algorithms. It has been used in many perse environments, from signal processing to deep learning and for a wide variety of problems, since the 1960s with great success. The SGD has also given rise to many highly efficient variants adapted to a wide variety of data contexts. We will come back to this important algorithm in a later chapter; suffice it to say at this point that the SGD algorithm is the Swiss army knife of all possible predictive analytics algorithm.
Several benchmarks and tests of the Amazon ML service can be found across the web (Amazon, Google and Azure: https://blog.onliquid.com/machine-learning-services-2/ and Amazon versus scikit-learn: http://lenguyenthedat.com/minimal-data-science-2-avazu/). Overall results show that the Amazon ML performance is on a par with other MLaaS platforms, but also with scripted solutions based on popular machine learning libraries such as scikit-learn.
For a given problem in a specific context and with an available dataset and a particular choice of a scoring metric, it is probably possible to code a predictive model using an adequate library and obtain better performances than the ones obtained with Amazon ML. But what Amazon ML offers is stability, absence of coding, and a very solid benchmark record, as well as a seamless integration with the Amazon Web Services ecosystem that already powers a large portion of the Internet.