About the Reviewer
Sanjeev Kumar Jaiswal is a computer graduate with 8 years of industrial experience. He basically uses Perl, Python, and GNU/Linux for his day-to-day activities. He is currently working on projects involving penetration testing, source code review, and security design and implementations. He is mostly involved in web and cloud security projects.
He is learning NodeJS and React Native currently as well. Sanjeev loves teaching engineering students and IT professionals. He has been teaching for the past 8 years in his leisure time.
He founded Alien Coders (h t t p ://w w w . a l i e n c o d e r s . o r g), based on the learning through sharing principle for Computer Science students and IT professionals in 2010, which became a huge hit in India among engineering students. You can follow him on Facebook at h t t p ://w w w . f a c e b o o k . c o m /a l i e n c o d e r s and on Twitter at @aliencoders, and on GitHub at h t t p s ://g i t h u b . c o m /j a s s i c s.
He wrote Instant PageSpeed Optimization, Co-Authored Learning Django Web Development with Packt Publishing. He has reviewed more than seven books for Packt Publishing and looks forward to authoring or reviewing more books for Packt Publishing and other publishers.