Learning Salesforce Visual Workflow and Process Builder(Second Edition)

Creating a Screen element

We will now add a Screen element (it is used to take the input from a user or display the data) to the Flow by following these instructions:

  1. Drag and drop the Screen element onto the canvas; it will open a Screen element window. Navigate to the General Info tab, where you have to enter the following details:
    • Name: This helps you to find the element on the canvas. In this case, enter Display LoggedIn User ID.
    • Unique Name: This will be auto-populated based on the name.
    • Description: This is where we enter some text to let other developers/administrators easily understand why this Screen element was created. When you select the Screen element in the Explorer tab, then the description appears in the description pane.
    • Navigation Options: This section allows you to specify the screen navigation options; for example, the behavior of the next, previous, and finish buttons at runtime. It also allows you to define the pause button's behavior and the pause message.
    • Help Text: This allows you to define the help text, which can be seen by Flow users when they click on Help for this form; it will look as shown in the following screenshot:  

          2. The next step is to add the Formula field into a screen element.