Creating a new board
Similar to real life, you need a wall for your sticky notes. While in the real world building a wall inside the office might be problematic, digitally it's just a few clicks. First, you need to register to be able to use the product, but I assume that you will have no difficulties with that. After registering, you will start with a view where you can create a new project using the here link.
It's likely that this will change in the future, as that's clearly terrible user experience and onboarding. However, don't worry, the rest of the app has a better UX.

Naming your projects is always important; try to give the board a meaningful name. Y ou may want to enable Viewers can comment on cards . Remember that we are doing this to get feedback on our user stories, so comments should always be welcome. You can safely skip the rest of the Name and description page for now. Simply click on Save and go to storymap and start creating your story map.

Now, you have a wall where you can put together your User story maps.