The user story map on the wall
Now, you are fully equipped to create the user story map for your dream project on the wall. It may or may not look something like this:

I'm sure you noticed that there are gaps on my example. This is because I like to order my story cards vertically by release. The first row is the Minimum Viable Solution, the smallest release I can make to research the idea and learn from it. It could enable me to fail early, instead of failing late with massive investment. Moreover, if successful it can be developed further into the second row, the public beta. The third row contains everything that will not fit into the public beta, but will be part of the release.

What fits in which row is obviously something you need to discuss with the amigos. Try to have many rows and few cards in each row, so user stories for a release can get a proper focus, and you can have a fast release cycle. I stopped at release v1, but you are welcome to add more future releases. Want a 3D product view? No problem; add it to release v3.
In the next section, we will explore a neat web app to create your user stories digitally.