Getting ready
Variables are named as a sequence of letters, numbers, and underscores with no whitespace. Common conventions are to use UPPER_CASE for environment variables and camelCase or lower_case for variables used within a script.
All applications and scripts can access the environment variables. To view all the environment variables defined in your current shell, issue the env or printenv command:
$> env PWD=/home/clif/ShellCookBook HOME=/home/clif SHELL=/bin/bash # ... And many more lines
To view the environment of other processes, use the following command:
cat /proc/$PID/environ
Set PID with a process ID of the process (PID is an integer value).
Assume an application called gedit is running. We obtain the process ID of gedit with the pgrep command:
$ pgrep gedit 12501
We view the environment variables associated with the process by executing the following command:
$ cat /proc/12501/environ GDM_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT=usGNOME_KEYRING_PID=1560USER=slynuxHOME=/home/slynux
The /proc/PID/environ special file contains a list of environment variables and their values. Each variable is represented as a name=value pair, separated by a null character ( \0). This is not easily human readable.
To make a human-friendly report, pipe the output of the cat command to tr, to substitute the \0 character with \n:
$ cat /proc/12501/environ | tr '\0' '\n'