Creating a command or form backing object
POJO stands for Plain Old Java Object. It is usually used to represent a bean following the typical JavaBean conventions. Typically, it contains private member variables with getters and setters and a no-argument constructor.
We will create a simple POJO to act as a command object. Important parts of the class are listed as follows:
public class User {
private String guid;
private String name;
private String userId;
private String password;
private String password2;
//Getters and Setters
A few important things to note are as follows:
- This class does not have any annotations or Spring-related mappings. Any bean can act as a form-backing object.
- We are going to capture the name, user ID, and password in the form. We have a password confirmation field, password2, and unique identifier field guid.
- Constructor, getters, setters, and toString methods are not shown for brevity.