Learning Informatica PowerCenter 10.x(Second Edition)

Ports in transformations

The transformations receive the data from the input ports and send the data out using the output ports. Variable ports temporarily store the value while processing the data.

Every transformation with a few exceptions has input and output ports as shown in the following screenshot:

Double-click on the transformation, and click on Ports to open the edit view to see the input, output, and variable ports:

You can disable or enable input or output ports based on the requirement. In our scenario, we need to use the values coming from input port and send it by the output port using concatenate by writing the function in the expression editor.

Create two new output ports for FULL_NAME after LAST_NAME and TOTAL_SALARY after FEB_SALARY. To add new ports, double-click on the expression transformation, click on Ports, and add two new output ports as shown in the following screenshot:

Make sure you define proper data type and size of the new ports added. As you can notice, we have disabled input ports of FULL_NAME and TOTAL_SALARY. Also, as you must have noticed, we have disabled the output ports of FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, JAN_SALARY, and FEB_SALARY as we do not wish to pass the data to output from those ports. This is as per the coding standards we follow in Informatica.

Once you disable the input port of FULL_NAME and TOTAL_SALARY, you will be able to write the function for the port.