Windows Server 2016 Automation with PowerShell Cookbook(Second Edition)

How to do it...

  1. On the VM host, mount Server 2016 installation ISO:
      $Server2016ISOPath = 'D:\iso\WinServer2016.iso'
      $MountResult = Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath $Server2016ISOPath `
$MountResult | Select-Object -Property *
  1. Determine the drive letter(s) of mounted ISO(s), including the colon (:):
      $Server2016InstallationRoot = ($MountResult |
          Get-Volume |
              Select-object -ExpandProperty Driveletter) + ':'
  1. Get the path of the NanoServerImageGenerator module within the server installation disk:
      $NanoServerFolder = `
Join-Path -Path $Server2016InstallationRoot `
-ChildPath 'NanoServer'
$NsigFolder = Join-Path -Path $NanoServerFolder `
-ChildPath 'NanoServerImageGenerator'
  1. Review the contents of the NanoServerImageGenerator module folder:
      Get-ChildItem -Path $NsigFolder -Recurse
  1. Import the NanoServerImageGenerator module and review the commands it contains:
      Import-Module -Name $NanoServerImageGeneratorModuleFolder
      Get-Command -Module NanoServerImageGenerator
  1. Designate the folder for the base Nano Server images:
      $NanoBaseFolder = 'C:\NanoBase'
  1. Designate the folder for the VM images:
      $VMFolder = 'D:\VMs'
  1. Define the Nano Server computer name and file paths for your Nano Server VM:
      $NanoComputerName = 'NANO1'
      $NanoVMFolder     = Join-Path -Path $VMFolder   
-ChildPath $NanoComputerName
$NanoVMPath = Join-Path -Path $NanoVMFolder `
-ChildPath "$NanoComputerName.vhdx"
  1. Create a Nano Server VM image, as a guest VM within Hyper-V and prompt for the administrator password:
      New-NanoServerImage -DeploymentType Guest -Edition Datacenter 
-MediaPath $Server2016InstallationRoot `
-BasePath $NanoBaseFolder `
-TargetPath $NanoVMPath `
-ComputerName $NanoComputerName
  1. Define a VM switch for your Nano Server:
      $SwitchName = Get-VMSwitch | 
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name -First 1
  1. Create a new VM in Hyper-V using the Nano Server VM image:
      New-VM -VHDPath $NanoVMPath -Name $NanoComputerName `
-Path $NanoVMFolder `
-SwitchName $SwitchName `
-Generation 2 -Verbose
  1. Start your new Nano Server VM:
      Start-VM -Name $NanoComputerName -Verbose