What this book covers
Chapter 1, Shopping List, shows how a groceries list can be built in React Native using simple navigation and introducing some of the most common native components.
Chapter 2, RSS Reader, teaches you how to create a news feed reader using RSS.
Chapter 3, Car Booking App, explains how some of the most popular car-sharing apps could have been developed using React Native.
Chapter 4, Image Sharing App, teaches you the fundamentals of how a social network based on image sharing can be created with React Native.
Chapter 5, Guitar Tuner, is one of the apps that require components not yet available in React Native. We will build one of these native components and use it from a React Native app.
Chapter 6, Messaging App, 1:1 messaging apps are the most popular apps in the stores. In this chapter, we will build a full-featured messaging app including push notifications and cloud-based storage.
Chapter 7, Game, is fun and shows you the fundamentals of how a 2D game can be developed using React Native.
Chapter 8, E-Commerce App, uses React Native to build one of the most requested types of app in the market: an e-commerce app to buy and sell products online.