Improving our scripts with attributes and XML comments
We could stop working with the PlayerBehaviour class script here, but I want to touch on a couple of things that we can use in order to improve the quality and style of our code. This becomes especially useful when you start building projects in teams, as you'll be working with other people--some of them will be working on code with you, and then there are designers and artists who will not be working on code with you, but will still need to use the things that you've programmed.
When writing scripts, we want them to be as error-proof as possible. Making the rb variable private starts that process, as now the user will not be able to modify that anywhere outside of this class. We want our teammates to modify dodgeSpeed and rollSpeed, but we may want to give them some advice as to what it is and/or how it will be used. To do this in the Inspector window, we can make use of something called an attribute.