Installing Gulp
Gulp can be installed based on npm using the following command:
npm install --global gulp-cli
Once the Gulp installation is complete, a gulpfile.js configuration file should be generated in the project's Important Files folder in NetBeans IDE with its syntax looking like the following:
var gulp = require('gulp');
gulp.task('default', function() {
// place code for your default task here
Gulp can be executed as part of the command line using the gulp command, or made part of the NetBeans IDE commands as follows:
- The Gulp executable can be configured in NetBeans IDE by selecting Tools | Options and choosing the HTML/JS and Gulp options:
- The following is the project structure once gulpfile.js is added:
- Gulp tasks (clean, build, run, debug, and test both project and file, as highlighted in the following screenshot) can be assigned to common IDE actions by right-clicking on the project and selecting the Project Properties and Gulp options:
- Gulp tasks can be run via the project's context menu by right-clicking on the project as follows:
- We can also set the parameters, if needed, as follows:
- We can right-click on the project, select Gulp Tasks, and click the saved advanced option to invoke the target to execute as follows:
- Gulp output can be reviewed in the output window as the script is executed:
Gulp can be used in projects to help us save a lot of effort in repetitive tasks such as code optimization, minifying, programmatic testing, CSS preprocessing, and deploying to the targeted environment.