Embedded Linux Development Using Yocto Project Cookbook(Second Edition)

Creating a GNUPG key pair

In the Setting up the host system recipe in this same chapter, you installed the gnupg package in your host machine; if you didn't, you can do so now with:

$ sudo apt-get install gnupg 

To generate a key, type the following command:

$ gpg --gen-key  

Follow the instructions, keeping the default values. You may need to generate random data with mouse movements and disk activity.

You can check your key with:

$ gpg --list-keys
pub   2048R/4EF0ECE0 2017-08-13
uid                  Alex Gonzalez <alex@lindusembedded.com>
sub   2048R/298446F3 2017-08-13  

The GPG key ID in the previous example is 4EF0ECE0.

And export it with the following command:

$ gpg --output rpm-feed.gpg --export <id>  

The ID may be the key ID or any part of the user ID, such as the email address. The exported public key may now be moved to its final destination, such as the package feed web server.

An example conf/local.conf configuration would be:

INHERIT += "sign_rpm"
RPM_GPG_PASSPHRASE = "<very-secure-password>"
INHERIT += "sign_package_feed"
PACKAGE_FEED_GPG_PASSPHRASE_FILE = "/opt/yocto/passphrase.txt"  
Remember to run the following after rebuilding the image so that the repository feed is signed:
$ bitbake package-index
If you are preparing a repository manually, you will have to sign it too.