Who this book is for
Mastering vRealize Operations aims to help readers gain a deep understanding of VMware vRealize Operations and learn how to apply the product to everyday operations management use cases in the best way. This book aims to move beyond the standard product documentation and explain both why and how vRealize Operations should be deployed, configured, and used in your own environment.
Although this book is aimed at mastering vRealize Operations, expert knowledge of vRealize Operations is not a required. The various chapters vary in the requirement of skill level and expertise, as well as in the useful theory versus practical step-by-step content. We expect this book to be useful for the following people:
- Systems administrators responsible for the day-to-day smooth running of a virtualized enterprise IT environment
- Infrastructure architects and engineers responsible for designing and building solutions that improve the reliability and maintainability of virtualized environments
- Current-day customers who want to know how to get the most out of vRealize Operations, such as what the badges actually mean and how capacity management policies should be configured for a typical production environment
- Anyone who is keen to know more about vRealize Operations for specific reference look-ups, from badges to capacity planning and the new API