Interaction between adaptors
There are also some functions to control how the iterators interact with other iterators or even themselves. For example, the cycle() function will make the iterator start again from the beginning once it gets to the end of the iterator. This is useful to create an infinite loop with an iterator. There are also a couple of functions that help you deal with multiple iterators at the same time. Let's suppose that you have two slices of the same length and want to generate a new vector with that same length, but with each element being the sum of the elements with the same index in the slices:
let arr1 = [10u32, 14, 5, 76, 84, 35, 23, 94, 100, 143, 23, 200, 12, 94, 72];
let arr2 = [25u32, 12, 73, 2, 98, 122, 213, 22, 39, 300, 144, 163, 127, 3, 56];
let collection: Vec<_> = arr1.iter()
.map(|(elm1, elm2)| elm1 + elm2)
println!("{:?}", collection);
In this case, we have used the zip() function that will yield a tuple with each element being the next of each iterator. We can also chain them with the chain() function, which will generate a new iterator that, once the first starts yielding None, will start yielding elements from the second iterator. There are many more iteration functions, but we will leave the standard library here for now and focus on external crates.