How it works...
The NSX Manager registers the com.vmware extension. This extension is installed on the vSphere web server as a plugin. When the plugin is installed onto the vSphere web server, any users that were logged in during integration will need to log out of the vSphere Web Client before they can start to consume the Networking & Security interface.
It is important to note that the account used from the NSX Manager to connect to vCenter server will be given enterprise administrator credentials.
The NSX Manager uses the vSphere API to perform functions such as deploying service virtual machines, instructing the EAM service to prepare ESXi hosts, creating distributed portgroups, and other vSphere operations that it needs for NSX operations.
The NSX Manager uses the vSphere API to perform functions such as deploying service virtual machines, instructing the EAM service to prepare ESXi hosts, creating distributed portgroups, and other vSphere operations that it needs for NSX operations.