Game Programming using Qt 5 Beginner's Guide

Pop quiz

Q1. Which of the following classes is a widget class?

  1. QGraphicsView
  2. QGraphicsScene
  3. QGraphicsItem

Q2. Which of the following actions does not change the graphics item's position on the screen?

  1. Scaling the view.
  2. Shearing this item's parent item.
  3. Translating this item.
  4. Rotating this item's child item.

Q3. Which function is not mandatory to implement in a new class derived from QGraphicsItem?

  1. boundingRect()
  2. shape()
  3. paint()

Q4. Which item class should be used to display a raster image in the Graphics View?

  1. QGraphicsRectItem
  2. QGraphicsWidget
  3. QGraphicsPixmapItem