About the reviewers
Albenzo Coletta is a senior software and system engineer in robotics, defense, avionics, and telecoms. He has a master's in computational robotics. He was an industrial researcher in AI, a designer for a robotic communications system for COMAU, and a business analyst. He designed a neuro-fuzzy system for financial problems (with Sannio University) and also designed a recommender system for a few key Italian editorial groups. He was also a consultant at UCID (Ministry of Economics and Finance). He developed a mobile human robotic interaction system.
Giancarlo Zaccone has more than 10 years, experience in managing research projects in scientific and industrial areas. He has worked as a researcher at the CNR, the National Research Council, in projects on parallel numerical computing, and in scientific visualization.
He is a senior software engineer at a consulting company, developing and testing software systems for space and defense applications. He holds a master's in physics from University of Naples Federico II and a 2nd-level PG master's in scientific computing from La Sapienza of Rome.