Installing Git
As a simple and quick introduction to Git, we can describe it as follows.
Git is a file version control system. By using it, we can develop projects to which many people can simultaneously contribute, editing and creating new files, allowing them to exist without the risk of their changes being overwritten.
A very common case when using Git is to also use a service in the cloud (such as GitHub or Bitbucket), to store the code, so that we can share it.
In addition, almost all open source projects (frameworks and libraries) are in GitHub today. So you can contribute by reporting bugs, or even sending codes and suggestions.
If you are a developer and do not yet have GitHub, you are late – this is the time to start using it. So, let's install Git.
Go to https://git-scm.com/downloads and download and install Git for your platform.
After installing, open your Terminal and type the following command:
git --version
You must see the current version installed on your system.
Also, the git help command is very useful, listing all of the commands available.