Test your knowledge
Q1. Assets are imported directly into the…
- A. Object Inspector
- B. Hierarchy
- C. Scene
- D. Project Panel
Q2. You can quickly create first person controls using
- A. Camera objects
- B. Capsules
- C. First Person Controllers
- D. Box Colliders
Q3. The Prototyping Package is most useful for...
- A. Building Levels
- B. Prototyping Code
- C. Animating Objects
- D. Creating Camera Effects
Q4. When pressed in the scene tab, the F key will...
- A. Center the view on the selected object
- B. Remove the selected object
- C. Hide the selected object
- D. Freeze the selected object
Q5. You can access the Snapping Feature by pressing...
- A. C
- B. V
- C. D
- D. E