Mastering Java 11

Breaking the monolith

Over the years, the utilities of the Java platform have continued to evolve and increase, making it into one big monolith. In order to make the platform more suitable for embedded and mobile devices, the publication of stripped-down editions, such as Java Connected Device Configuration (CDC) and Java Micro Edition (ME), was necessary. These, however, did not prove to be flexible enough for modern applications with varying requirements in terms of the functionality provided by the JDK. In that regard, the need for a modular system came in as a vital requirement, not only to address the modularization of the Java utilities (overall, there are more than 5,000 Java classes and 1,500 C++ source files with more than 250,000 lines of code for the HotSpot runtime), but also to provide a mechanism for developers to create and manage modular applications using the same module system as that used in the JDK. Java 8 provided an intermediate mechanism to enable applications to use only a subset of the APIs provided by the entire JDK, and that mechanism was named compact profiles. In fact, compact profiles also provided the basis for further work that had to be done in order to break dependencies between the various distinct components of the JDK. This breaking of dependencies was required to enable the implementation of a module system in Java.

The module system itself was developed under the name of Project Jigsaw, on the basis of which several Java enhancement proposals and a target Java Specification Request (JSR 376) were formed. A complete restructuring of the JDK code base was made, along with a complete reorganization of the JDK distributable images.

There was considerable controversy in the community as to whether an existing and mature Java module system, such as OSGi, should be adopted as part of the JDK, instead of providing a completely new module system. However, OSGi targets runtime behavior, such as the resolution of module dependencies, installation, uninstallation, starting and stopping of modules (also named bundles in terms of OSGi), custom module classloaders, and so on. 

OSGi refers to the OSGi Alliance, formally known as the  Open Services Gateway Initiative. OSGi is an open standard for a Java platform modular system.

Project Jigsaw, however, targets a compile-time module system where the resolution of dependencies happens when the application is compiled. Moreover, installing and uninstalling a module as part of the JDK eliminates the need to include it explicitly as a dependency during compilation. Furthermore, the loading of module classes is made possible through the existing hierarchy of classloaders (the bootstrap, and the extension and system classloaders).

Additional benefits from the Java module system include enhanced security and performance. By modularizing the JDK and applications into Jigsaw modules, developers are able to create well-defined boundaries between components and their corresponding domains. This separation of concerns aligns with the security architecture of the platform and is an enabler of better resource utilization.