Difficulties with TDD adoption
While TDD is the gold standard amongst development techniques, there are many obstacles preventing its implementation:
- Inexperienced team: TDD only works when the whole development team adopts it. Many junior developers, especially self-taught developers, never learned to write tests.
The good news is that TDD is not hard; given a day or so, a developer can realistically learn about the different types of tests, including how to spy on functions and mock data. It's wise to invest time training a developer so that he/she can write more reliable code for the entire duration of his/her employment. - Slower initial development speed: TDD requires the product owner to create a specification document and for the developers to write the tests before any functional code is written. This means the end product will likely take more time to complete. This goes back to a recurring theme in this chapter: pay the price now, or pay the interest later. If you've been reading everything so far, it'll be obvious the first option is the better one.
- Legacy code: Many legacy code bases do not have tests, or the tests are incomplete; worse still, there may be insufficient documentation to understand what each function is designed to do. We can write tests to verify functionality that we know, but we cannot be certain that it'll cover all cases. This is a tricky one because TDD means you write your tests first; if you already have all the code, then it can't be TDD. If the code base is large, you may continue to fix bugs (documenting them as unit tests as you do so) while starting on a rewrite.
- Slow tests: TDD is only practical when the tests can be run quickly (within a few seconds). If the test suite takes a few minutes to run, then developers would not receive quick enough feedback for those tests to be useful.
The simplest way to mitigate this issue is by breaking the code into smaller modules and running tests on them individually. However, some tests, such as large integration and UI tests, are inevitably slow. In these cases, you can run them only when the code is committed and pushed, probably by integrating them into a Continuous Integration (CI) system, which is something we will cover in Chapter 8, Writing Unit/Integration Tests.