What this book covers
Chapter 1, Software Architecture Patterns, explains the concept of conventional monolithic architecture and its advantages in the software development life cycle. It also covers the limitations of the monolithic architecture, which lead to the need to build loosely coupled systems using the microservice architecture.
Chapter 2, Anatomy of Microservice Decomposition Services, gives an overview of microservices in detail, explaining the usage of applications and services, the decomposition of the microservice architecture on the basis of business capabilities, and domains and subdomains.
Chapter 3, Microservices Deployment Patterns, discusses the deployment of services and communication between these services. You will get an understanding of the microservices deployment structure, approach, and strategies. You will also get a detailed understanding of the flow of microservices, communication, and the various implementation patterns of the microservice architecture.
Chapter 4, Inter-Service Communication, looks at how the services within a system communicate with one another.
Chapter 5, Service Registry and Discovery, discusses service discovery, explaining how to discover a service in a microservice architecture.
Chapter 6, External API Gateway, discusses building microservices using an API gateway. You will get an understanding of how the API gateway helps you to manage APIs and also provides a way for the application's clients to interact with the microservices.
Chapter 7, Testing of Microservices, explores various approaches and strategies of testing microservices, microservice test inputs Header, and contains details of the payload. It also discusses the difference between the testing of SOAP and REST services. Popular API testing tools such as Postman, Ready API, JMeter, and Gatling are covered.
Chapter 8, Performance Testing of Microservices, explains how to design a strategy to perform performance testing of microservices by studying successful use cases. Furthermore, the chapter demonstrates testing microservices using tools such as JMeter and Loadrunner.
Chapter 9, Performance Monitoring of Microservices, discusses how to monitor the performance of microservices. We will discuss various application performance management (APM) tools that can be used to test microservices and also discuss performance counters specific to microservices.