Angular (https://angular.io/) is an SPA frontend web application development platform developed by Google and the open source community. It is the successor of the popular AngularJS framework, which dominated the SPA platform world at the beginning of the decade.
Angular takes HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and puts them in the context of application development with modular, component-based architecture, conventions, and utilities. It consists of a few basic concepts:
- Modules: Containers of Angular code
- Data binding: A mechanism that automatically reflects changes in the code on the UI, and vice versa
- Components: An HTML template combined with JavaScript code that controls it
- Directives: Add behavior to HTML elements of Angular components
- Services: Units of work that are additional to UI development, such as data handling or logging
Angular is one of the most popular frameworks today for web application development, and even has frameworks built on top of it such as NativeScript, which enables native mobile development based on an Angular code.