A* pathfinding
There are many games where you can find monsters or enemies that follow the player or go to a particular point while avoiding obstacles. For example, let's take a look at a typical RTS game. You can select a group of units and click a location where you want them to move or click on the enemy units to attack them. Your units then need to find a way to reach the goal without colliding with the obstacles. The enemy units also need to be able to do the same. Obstacles could be different for different units. For example, an air force unit might be able to pass over a mountain, while the ground or artillery units need to find a way around it.
A * (pronounced A star) is a pathfinding algorithm widely used in games because of its performance, accuracy, and ease of implementation. Let's take a look at an example to see how it works. Let's say we want our unit to move from point A to point B, but there's a wall in the way, and it can't go straight towards the target. So, it needs to find a way to point B while avoiding the wall:
We are looking at a simple 2D example, but we can apply the same idea to 3D environments. In order to find the path from point A to point B, we need to know more about the map, such as the position of obstacles. For that, we can split our whole map into small tiles representing the whole map in a grid format, as shown in the following diagram:
The tiles can also be of other shapes such as hexagons and triangles, but we'll use square tiles here because they are the most natural solution. By representing the whole map as a grid, we simplify the search area: an important step in pathfinding.
We can now reference our map in a small 2D array.
We represent our map with a 5 x 5 grid of square tiles for a total of 25 tiles. Now, we can start searching for the best path to reach the target. How do we do this? By calculating the movement score of each tile adjacent to the starting tile that is not occupied by an obstacle, and then choosing the tile with the lowest cost.
If we don't consider the diagonal movements, there are four possible adjacent tiles to the player. Now, we need to know two numbers to calculate the movement score for each of those tiles. Let's call them G and H, where G is the cost to move from starting tile to current tile, and H is the estimated cost to reach the target tile from the current tile.
Let's call F the sum of G and H, (F = G + H); that is the final score of that tile:
In our example, to estimate H, we'll be using a simple method called Manhattan length (also known as taxicab geometry). According to this method, the distance (cost) between tiles A and B is just the minimum number of tiles between A and B:
The G value, instead, represents the cost so far during the search. The preceding diagram shows the calculations of G with two different paths. To compute the current G, we just add one (which is the cost to move one tile) to the previous tile's G score. However, we can give different costs to different tiles. For example, we might want to give a higher movement cost for diagonal movements (if we are considering them), or to specific tiles occupied by, let's say a pond or a muddy road.
Now we know how to get G. Let's look at the calculation of H. The following diagram shows different H values from different starting tiles to the target tile. As we said before, we are just computing the Manhattan length between the current tile and the goal:
So, now we know how to get G and H. Let's go back to our original example to figure out the shortest path from A to B. We first choose the starting tile, and then determine the valid adjacent tiles, as shown in the following diagram. Then we calculate the G and H scores of each tile, shown in the lower left and right corners of the tile respectively. Therefore the final score F, which is G + H is shown at the top-left corner. Obviously, the tile to the immediate right of the start tile has got the lowest F score.
So, we choose this tile as our next movement and store the previous tile as its parent. Keeping records of parents will be useful later when we trace back our final path:
From the current tile, we do the similar process again, determining valid adjacent tiles. This time there are only two valid adjacent tiles at the top and bottom. The left tile is the starting tile—which we've already examined—and the obstacle occupies the right tile. We calculate the G, the H, and then the F score of those new adjacent tiles. This time we have four tiles on our map with all having the same score: six. So, which one do we choose? We can choose any of them. It doesn't really matter in this example, because we'll eventually find the shortest path with whichever tile we choose as long they have the same score. Usually, we simply choose the tile added most recently to our adjacent list. Later we'll be using a data structure, such as a list, to store the next move candidate tiles. So, accessing the tile most recently added to that list could be faster than searching through the list to reach a particular tile that was added previously.
In this demo, we'll randomly choose the tile for our next test, to prove that it can still find the shortest path:
So, we choose the tile highlighted with a red border. Again, we examine the adjacent tiles. In this step, there's only one new adjacent tile with a calculated F score of 8. So, the lowest score right now is still 6. We can choose any tile with the score 6:
So, we choose a tile randomly from all the tiles with the score 6. If we repeat this process until we reach our target tile, we'll end up with a board complete with all the scores for each valid tile:
Now, all we have to do is to trace back starting from the target tile using its parent tile. In the end, we obtain a path that looks something like the following diagram:
What we explained here is the essence of A* pathfinding without displaying any code. A* is a central concept in pathfinding. Fortunately, since Unity 3.5, there are a couple of new features such as automatic navigation mesh generation and the Nav Mesh Agent, which make implementing pathfinding in your games very much more accessible. In fact, you may not even need to know about A* to implement pathfinding for your AI characters. Nonetheless, knowing how the system is working behind the scenes is essential to becoming a solid AI programmer.
We'll talk about Nav Mesh roughly in the next section and then in more detail in Chapter 8, Navigation Mesh.