About the author
Xuanyi Chew is the Chief Data Scientist of a Sydney-based logistics startup. He is the primary author of Gorgonia, an open source deep learning package for Go. He's been practicing machine learning for the past 12 years, applying them typically to help startups. His goal in life is to make an artificial general intelligence a reality. He enjoys learning new things.
I would like to thank my incredible wife, SML for her patience . To my friends, Darrell C., Gareth S., Makoto I. and Samaneh F. for providing me feedback and a bouncing board for ideas. A great thank you to Barry J. for teaching me to write, and Daniel W. for introducing me to the editors. Snehal K. and the various editors at Packt also deserve a much vaunted thank you for all they went through to bring this book to reality.