Getting started with the code for Personal Trainer
First, download the base version of the new Personal Trainer app from checkpoint4.1 in the GitHub repository for the book.
The code is available on GitHub https://github.com/chandermani/angular6byexample for everyone to download. Checkpoints are implemented as branches in GitHub. The branch to download is as follows: GitHub Branch: checkpoint4.1. If you are not using Git, download the snapshot of Checkpoint 4.1 (a ZIP file) from the following GitHub location: https://github.com/chandermani/angular6byexample/archive/checkpoint4.1.zip. Refer to the README.md file in the trainer folder when setting up the snapshot for the first time.
This code has the complete 7 Minute Workout (Workout Runner) app. We have added some more content to support the new Personal Trainer app. Some of the relevant updates are:
- Adding the new WorkoutBuilder feature. This feature contains implementations pertaining to Personal Trainer.
- Updating the layout and styles of the app.
- Adding some components and HTML templates with placeholder content for Personal Trainer in the workout-builder folder under trainer/src/app.
- Defining a new route to the WorkoutBuilder feature. We will cover setting up this route within the app in the coming section.
- As we just mentioned, moving the existing model.ts file into the core folder.
Let's discuss how we will be using the model.