The Scatter chart
The last visual we will look at the is used for categorical data is the Scatter chart, sometimes referred to as the Bubble chart. This visual allows us to show the relationships between two or three numerical values. We are given the opportunity to place values for the x and y axis, but what is different about this visual is that we can add a third value for the size, and this is where the name Bubble chart comes from. There is also a very unique option available to us within the Format Area to really bring this data to life, and it is called the Play Axis. Let's go ahead and create our Scatter chart first, and then we will talk about the Play Axis.
Let's look at, setting up the visual:
- Make sure no other visual is currently selected and choose the Scatter chart. Move and resize the visual to take up the remainder of the report canvas.
- The first field we will select is the Total Sales measure, and this will serve as the value for our X axis.
- For the Y axis, let us select the Profit measure.
- The third value that we will use for the size of the bubbles will be the Order Quantity field.
- Finally, we must choose the category that we would like to see all these measure for, and we will use the EnglishCountryRegionName field from the Geography table. Make sure that this field is displayed under the Legend section, which should give you a visual like in Figure 5-13:

Now, the last part that we will add to this visual will be the Play Axis, which is unique to the Scatter chart. By adding some category of time, we can bring a little animation to this visual. For our example, let's add the English Month Name field to the Play Axis section, and you will see a Play button appear along with our 12 months. By hitting the button, you will now be able to watch the bubbles move to display their values at the specific moments in time.