Python Network Programming

Putting things together for Pexpect

As the final step, let's put everything you have learned so far about Pexpect into a script. Putting code into a script makes it easier to use in a production environment, as well as easier to share with your colleagues. We will write our second script,

You can download the script from the book GitHub repository,, as well as looking at the output generated from the script as a result of the commands.

Refer to the following code:


import getpass
from pexpect import pxssh

devices = {'iosv-1': {'prompt': 'iosv-1#', 'ip': ''},
'iosv-2': {'prompt': 'iosv-2#', 'ip': ''}}
commands = ['term length 0', 'show version', 'show run']

username = input('Username: ')
password = getpass.getpass('Password: ')

# Starts the loop for devices
for device in devices.keys():
outputFileName = device + '_output.txt'
device_prompt = devices[device]['prompt']
child = pxssh.pxssh()
child.login(devices[device]['ip'], username.strip(), password.strip(), auto_promp t_reset=False)
# Starts the loop for commands and write to output
with open(outputFileName, 'wb') as f:
for command in commands:


The script further expands from our first Pexpect program with the following additional features:

  • It uses SSH instead of Telnet
  • It supports multiple commands instead of just one by making the commands into a list (line 8) and loops through the commands (starting at line 20)
  • It prompts the user for their username and password instead of hardcoding them in the script
  • It writes the output in two files, iosv-1_output.txt, and ios-2_output.txt, to be further analyzed
For Python 2, use raw_input() instead of input() for the username prompt. Also, use w for the file mode instead of wb.