Mastering Identity and Access Management with Microsoft Azure

Configure dynamic group memberships

In the next section, we will configure straightforward dynamic group memberships to use the department attribute to add users to their department group and build up a dynamic licensing assignment. Group-based licensing currently does not support groups that contain other groups (nested groups).

An Azure AD Premium P1 license is needed for every user in a dynamic group.
When enabling dynamic groups, current memberships will be lost.
The usage location of a user needs to be set to assign a license. 

As the, choose the Accounting group, navigate to properties, and change the membership type to Dynamic User.

Create a simple rule, department Equals (-eq) Accounting:

Dynamic group membership rule configuration

Set the department attribute (profile section) on the accounting users Brian Cox and Jeff Simpson to Accounting:

Filling user attributes for dynamic group usage

The member should be added automatically. Check the group membership and verify the two new members:

Freshly calculated dynamic group membership

Next, we will provide an automatic licensing solution.

Create the following security group:

  • Office 365 full feature licensing
  • Group descriptionAutomatic Office 365 Full Feature Licensing
  • Membership type: Dynamic User
  • Dynamic query: userType -eq Member:
Group properties dialog

Under Licenses | Products, assign the Office 365 E5 plan. Don't choose any assignment options at the moment:

Group assignment options
Note: With the assignment options, you can enable/disable features as needed.

Wait until the membership has updated and check the license assignment for

You will see that the user gets the license through a direct and group-based assignment:

License assignment overview
This lice nse solution is to give you a starter. You shoul d remove the directly assigned licenses from all users that get licenses from group membership.

In the next section, we will configure role assignments to administrative units.