Spring 5.0 Projects

Introduction to the application

We will develop an application to show the GDP information of various countries. We will make use of the sample World DB (https://dev.mysql.com/doc/world-setup/en/world-setup-installation.html) available with MySQL to list the countries and get a detailed view to display the country information and its GDP information obtained from the World Bank API (https://datahelpdesk.worldbank.org/knowledgebase/articles/898599-api-indicator-queries). 

The listing will make use of the countries data available in the World DB. In the detail view, we will make use of data available in the World DB to list cities and languages, and make use of the World Bank API to get additional information and the GDP information about the country.

We will also support editing basic details of the country entry, adding and deleting cities from the country entry, and adding and deleting languages from the country entry. We will use the following tools and technologies in this application:

  • Spring MVC framework for implementing the MVC pattern
  • The interaction with the MySQL DB will be done using the Spring JDBC template
  • The interaction with the World Bank API will be done using RestTemplate
  • The views will be created using a templating framework called Thymeleaf 
  • The frontend will be driven by jQuery and Bootstrap