Hands-On Network Programming with C# and .NET Core

Getting specific with sub-namespaces

While the System.Net namespace encapsulates a wealth of useful classes for network programming, there are a number of useful sub-namespaces under the System.Net package hierarchy that you should also be familiar with, as follows.

  • System.Net.Http: A utility class used to provide HTTP standards-compliant messages and interactions within your .NET Core app
  • System.Net.NetworkInformation: Provides traffic data, address information, and other details about the host node on the network
  • System.Net.Security: Provides reliably secure networked communication and resource sharing and accessing
  • System.Net.Sockets:  Exposes netcore managed access to the WinSock interface

Each of these namespaces and the classes they expose will be explored in much greater detail over the course of this book, but for now, I wanted to expose you to some of the most commonly used, and most broadly valuable, network classes provided out of the box by .NET Core.

Their software is open source and described by robust and reliable documentation here:


It would certainly be worth the time of anyone considering a career in network web development to examine the classes in their fullest.