Hands-On Network Programming with C# and .NET Core


Similar to FTP, the feature set supported by the SMTP is quite limited and narrowly tailored to performing a few specific tasks. However, the need to implement email servers is actually fairly common, and understanding the complexity of sending or receiving messages through SMTP remains a relevant and useful skill; certainly more so than with FTP these days. SMTP is a connection-oriented protocol for sending mail messages to remote servers that are configured to receive them. It leverages a client-server model leveraging reliable sessions, over which a series of commands and data-transfer processes transmit email, unilaterally, from the client to the server. The back-and-forth of an SMTP session is actually quite a bit more complicated than we saw with HTTP and FTP, and that complexity is beyond the scope of this chapter. For now though, it's sufficient to say that any network programmer worth their salt will have a sound understanding of HTTP, FTP, and SMTP.