How it works...
We covered the following steps to build our Fabric network:
- Generating the crypto/certificate using cryptogen
- Generating the configuration transaction using configtxgen
- Bring up the nodes based on what is defined in the docker-compose file
- Using the CLI to set up the first network
- Using the CLI to install and instantiate the chaincode
- Using the CLI to invoke and query the chaincode
This recipe helps you to understand the Hyperledge Fabric components and shows how we can quickly set up a Hyperledger Fabric network using sample chaincode (mycc). You should be able to modify the scripts and run other samples, such as fabcar and marble02, which are provided under the fabric-sample/chaincode directory.
Fabric provides the following commands used in the byfn.sh script. In the following chapters and recipes, these commands will be used to operate and manage the Fabric network environment:
- peer: Operates and configures a peer
- peer chaincode: Manages chaincode on the peer
- peer channel: Manages channels on the peer
- peer node: Manages the peer
- peer version: Returns the peer version
- cryptogen: Utility for generating crypto material
- configtxgen: Creates configuration data, such as the genesis block
- configtxlator: Utility for generating channel configurations
- fabric-ca-client: Manage identities
- fabric-ca-server: Manages the fabric-ca server
Now that we have set up our first network, let's add an organization to the channel.