Who this book is for
Do you want to pass Salesforce Platform Developer I certification? Then this book is for you! This book is for anyone who wants to know all about the powerful Salesforce Platform, ranging from the declarative tools and features at your disposal to the coding side, to extend the standard capabilities and go beyond the limits. This book will prepare you for the actual exam and assumes you have no prior programming knowledge whatsoever. Having Java knowledge is a plus, but is not necessary, as I will be explaining Apex from the ground up. Platform Developer I is one of the pre-requisites of the architect track; for both Application Architect and Systems Architect, you are required to pass this exam. This is also one of the most dreaded exams for Salesforce admins and functional consultants, as they think they won't be able to learn how to code. I'm living proof that this is perfectly possible. Coming from no programming background, I've learned to code in Apex over the years and now hold 15 certifications, including Application and Systems Architect. Something that, a couple of years ago, I would never have imagined, due to my lack of coding knowledge. With this in mind, I wrote this book. I have been there, so I have tried to explain the core concepts in the most simple ways possible, so anyone would be able to understand them.