Inserting a custom picture as a bullet
It is possible to use a company logo or a specific image as a symbol for the bulleted list. Follow these steps to add that extra creative flair to boring lists:
- Highlight an entire bulleted list to apply bullets to, or start a new list.
- Click on the drop-down arrow to the right of the bullet icon in the Home tab.
- Click on Define New Bullet… .
- Select the Picture... button to peruse the Insert Picture options, as shown in the following screenshot:
- The dialog box that populates allows three options. The first option is to browse the computer to locate an image; the second, to conduct an online Bing Image Search; and the third, to select an image from a OneDrive - Personal folder.
- For this example, select From a file.
- Browse to select the folder that contains the image you wish to use for the bulleted list.
- Double-click on the image to insert as a bulleted list, or select the image and click on the Insert button, and click OK.