Components of Business Emails
1. Subject line 主题栏
(b)Subject:Information on Order 123 Shipping Status
2. Salutation and complimentary close 称呼语和结尾敬语
商务电邮的称呼语(salutation)可以用信件里用的正式称呼Dear Mr. Marshall,也可以用平时见面打招呼的口语表达Hi/Hello Andrew,取决于双方之间的熟悉程度。
结尾敬语(complimentary close)的正式与否和称呼保持一致,比较亲密的结语可用Regards,Best regards,自然的很常用的结尾敬语可用Sincerely,Yours sincerely,很正式的结语比如Yours faithfully,Yours respectfully等在电邮中使用不多。
3. Paragraphs 段落
(a)I received your email yesterday.
(b)Thanks for your yesterday's email.
(c)Thanks for your raising concerns about the packing.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Good luck on your future endeavors.
I hope that we have satisfactorily addressed your concerns.
Thank you for your understanding.
4. Emoticons and abbreviations 表情符号和缩略语
在商务电邮中尽量避免随意的表情符号(emoticons or emojis)和不普及的缩略语。表情符号的使用有特定的群体之分,不同的群体使用的表情符号不同,尽量不用。缩略语固定下来的并不多,比如RSVP表示“敬请回复”,ASAP表示“尽快”,这样的表达已经广为商务人士使用,但是新的缩略语层出不穷,在商务沟通中尽量选用规范的表达,不能太随意。
Sample Email
Re:Product Catalog
Dear Mr. Andover,
Thanks for your email of December 1st.
I'm pleased to send you our comprehensive product catalog, attached in PDF format. The catalog includes pricing, shipping and warranty information.
If you have any further questions, I would be glad to answer them.
Joe Smith
1. structure n. 结构 v. 安排
The house was a handsome four-storey brick structure.
You have begun to structure your time.
2. concise a. 简洁的
a concise explanation
The text is concise and informative.
3. positive a. 肯定的,积极的,正面的
a positive attitude
He is positive that he'll win.
He said that the agreement could be a positive sign.
4. plain a. 素色的,简明的
a plain fabric
to make one's meaning plain
plain English 简明英语
5. supportive a. 支持的
Her boss was very supportive and gave her time off work.
They were always supportive of each other.
6. appreciative a. 感激的,欣赏的
the applause of an appreciative audience
We are very appreciative of their support.
7. conversational a. 会话的
a conversational tone of voice
What is refreshing is the author's easy, conversational style.
8. courteous a. 礼貌的
He gave me a courteous but firm refusal.
Effective business messages have several traits in common. They are courteous, correct, concise, clear, and complete.
discourteous a. 无礼的
In business, no one can afford to be impolite or discourteous.
9. response n. 回答,回应
There has been no response to his remarks.
We had hoped for a bigger response from the public.
10. replacement n. 替代品,替换的人选
Learn more about repair and replacement costs and how long it will take.
Applications for replacement certificates will be granted provided that you submit a signed statement confirming that the original certificate has either been destroyed or lost.
11. coupon n. 礼券,优惠券
Browse through thousands of coupons for all your favorite brands from all your favorite stores.
Find official Dell coupon codes for deals on laptops, computers, monitors, ink and more.
12. promo n.(promotion的缩略语)促销
Find best flights and our latest promo fares and exclusive deals for you.
Only one promo code can be used per order. Savings will be reflected in your shopping cart.
13. stability n. 稳定
Financial stability has improved in advanced economies since April, but risks continue to rotate toward emerging markets.
It was a time of political stability and progress.
14. acquisition n. 收购,获得
Mergers and acquisitions(M&A)are transactions in which the ownership of companies, other business organizations or their operating units are transferred or combined.
15. input v. & n. 输入
Town officials are seeking input on improving the area.
Please input the information below:① Contract Category:Banking. Services; Audit Services; Card. Processing Services/Merchant services. ② Existing Supplier:…
16. run-on sentence(错用逗号的)连写句
A run-on is a sentence in which two or more independent clauses(i.e. complete sentences)are joined without an appropriate punctuation or conjunction.
17. punctuation n. 标点符号
You use punctuation marks to structure and organise your writing.
Commas and periods are the most frequently used punctuation marks.
18. qualified a. 合格的
I don't feel qualified to judge that.
Demand has far outstripped supply of qualified engineers.
19. reference n. 档号, 推荐信
The firm offered to give her a reference.
An index is included for ease of reference.
20. complimentary a. 表示敬意的,赠送的
Guests enjoy a complimentary wine & hors d'oeuvres reception from 5 - 8pm on weekday evenings. Chicago airport transportation is easy when you take advantage of our 24-hour, complimentary shuttle service.
Writing Tips
When we write the first draft of an email, a letter, or any other piece of business writing, we should be more concerned with content than style. We should know how to avoid major errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and word usage. But a technically correct message may still not achieve its objectives, because it may lack style.
Style refers to the effectiveness of words, sentences, paragraphs, and the overall tone of your message. A writer can apply the following tips to an effective writing style.
WORDS:Write clearly
Write concisely
SENTENCES:Use a variety of sentence types
Use passive and active voice appropriately
Use parallel structure
PARAGRAPHS:Keep paragraphs unified and coherent
Control paragraph length
TONE:Write confidently
Use a courteous and sincere tone
Use appropriate emphasis and subordination
Use positive language
Use non-discriminatory language
Useful Sentences
1. Be clear and straightforward in your letters and emails.
2. Don't use superfluous or repetitious words.
3. Avoid the use of pompous or inflated language in your letters or emails.
4. Stay away from vague words like "better," or "faster," whenever possible.
5. The tone of any business letter or email should be courteous and friendly, and written as if you were talking with the reader.
6. The "you attitude" insists that the focus of attention in your letters or emails be directed toward the reader, the "you" to whom you are writing.
7. If a woman's courtesy title is unknown, "Ms." should be used.
8. Don't conclude a letter or an email with new material.
9. Never write in all capital letters. It gives the impression you're shouting at the recipient.
10. State what you can do, instead of what you can't when you write a business message.
11. Don't be too informal. Remember that your message still reflects your professionalism.
12. Following the rules of grammar helps your writing to be consistent and understandable.
13. When a phrase doesn't clearly refer to the word it is modifying, it is said to be "dangling".
14. When you write a sentence that consists of a list or series of items, make sure they are written in the same grammatical form.
15. If you do not know when your reader is going to read your email message, choose a timeneutral salutation:Dear, Hello, Hi.
16. If your readers don't get the right information, the document will fail, no matter how perfectly the sentences are constructed.
17. Remember this maxim:Write to express, not to impress.
18. To ensure your writing is correct, use one space after a full stop or colon.
19. Spelling reflects credibility, professionalism, and ensures that your readers accurately understand the information you are trying to convey to them.
20. Don't make the email a substitute for in-person contact.
I. Choose the appropriate word for each sentence
1. The report, with all of its attachments, ______(create, creates)a strong case for our position.
2. ______(Who, Whom)should I consult?
3. When you finish reading the newsletter, please ______(lay, lie)it on the shelf.
4. Mario Silver, ______(who, whom)most of the other employees admire as a hard worker, left early.
5. We were delighted at ______(his, him)taking the job.
6. Benito is more creative than ______(any, any other)advertising agent in the company.
II. Rewrite each sentence by making it more concise
1. The financial statement showed that computation of the annual revenues had been done properly.
2. Subsequent to the announcement he made, he held a news conference for approximately one hour of time.
3. Prior to commencing the project, they met to prioritize their objectives.
4. Susan ended the meeting by concluding that there were a number of mutually agreeable solutions that could be explored so that the new departments in conflict could peacefully coexist.
5. Last but not least, there was the issue of quality control that he wanted to emphasize in his speech.
6. The department must determine its aims and goals so that they can be included in the annual strategic plan produced by the Company for the year of 2018.
III. Rewrite each sentence for a more positive effect
1. I regret to inform you that we cannot refund your deposit unless you return the goods within a week.
2. I won't be able to confirm your airline reservations until you have decided on a final itinerary.
3. You failed to send your order to us before the new prices were introduced.
4. I regret the necessity of calling your attention to our letter of Sept 1.
5. Your negligence in this matter caused the damage to the machine.
6. You sent your complaint to the wrong department. We don't handle shipping problems.
IV. Correct the mistake in each sentence
1. In a little over two months time, the analysts finished their reports.
2. Whom did you ask to replace Francis and I?
3. The list of payments have to be approved by the boss.
4. Britney thought she had done good in her job interview.
5. You need more than a knowledge of technology; one also must be able to interact well with people.
6. We offer a money back guarantee.
V. Improve the following email
Dearest Mr. Knight,
It has been our greatest honor to help you with your service request, our team of engineers was pleased they could provide you with a solution for your IT needs.
We would be grateful if you could provide us with feedback by filling out the attached customer survey form. We treasure your thoughts and comments regarding the quality of service provided.
Wish you happy!
Best Wishes,
Service Quality Specialist