BIRT 2.6 Data Analysis and Reporting

About the Author

John Ward is a consultant for Innovent Solutions, specializing in BIRT and e-commerce search and navigation solutions. Before he began working with Innovent Solutions, John was an Assistant Vice President for Citibank, North America, managing the training MIS group and overseeing developing of new technology-based training initiatives. John actively works with and tests BIRT—an open source reporting platform built on Eclipse. His work involves development work based on BIRT reports and the BIRT APIs. John also maintains The Digital Voice blog at

I'd like to thank my Wife, Claudia, for her love, support, and patience throughout the writing of this book; my Grandfather and Father for their wisdom and advice; and my Mother for her encouragement and support.

I would also like to thank Scott, Jason, Virgil, and Krishna, for years of working together to bring BIRT support to the community, and showing the community what is possible and bringing BIRT to new levels.