In the previous recipe, we created a c_momstatus
table and created a column, c_momstatus_id
, in the c_mom_discussionline
, which has a foreign key relationship with the c_momstatus
table. This is a useful detail in the context of the Zoom window, as ADempiere automatically generates a link (called hyperlink in the web version) and when we click on the link, the system takes us to the linked window, which is called zooming in ADempiere. This is useful when you are on a window and quickly jump on to another window, which is linked through one of the fields to look at more details. However, there are some other details that need to be configured before it starts working and this recipe will cover these details.
Say, we want to zoom to the MOM Status table when a user clicks on the MOM Status link on the Discussion Detail table. With this in perspective, the following are the steps:
- Log in as System/System with the System Administrator role.
- Go to the Table and Column window and open the details of the MOM Status table, as shown in the following screenshot:
- Set the Window field to MOM Status.
- Log out and log in as GardenAdmin/GardenAdmin with the GardenWorld Admin role.
- Go to the Discussion Detail tab of the Minutes Of Meeting window.
- Right-click on the MOM Status field. You will get a menu with the Zoom option, as shown in the following screenshot.
- Click on the Zoom menu. You will see the MOM Status window popping up.
- Launch the web version.
- Log in as GardenAdmin/GardenAdmin with the GardenWorld Admin role.
- Go to the Discussion Detail tab of the Minutes Of Meeting window. You will see all the zoom fields underlined. Additionally, you shall see the Zoom option in the context menu when you right-click on the field, as shown in the following screenshot:
- Click on the MOM Status hyperlink. The system will open the MOM Status window and make it the active one.