This book is written on the basis of the author’s doctoral dissertation. Based on the study of the complex relations throughout history between feminism and liberalism as a mainstream political theory,it re-examines the research paradigms of the history of western political theories;and rejects the view that liberalism represents the only authentic and mainstream political theory in the western tradition. The book explores systematically the development thread of feminism;tries to transcend the binary opposition between equality and difference,constructs a conception of equality based on differences and diversities,and tries to determine whether there is the possibility of fusing feminism and liberalism in the course of the former’s succession to,conflict with,and criticism of the latter. The book also discusses some major topics in modern political philosophy.
Feminism is a challenging theory which criticizes various political theories,such as liberalism,conservatism,communalism,and Marxism. Although liberalism possesses mainstream status in the western society,the key values of liberalism such as traditional binary thinking,social contract theory,the principles of equality,neutrality,and justice are questioned and criticized by feminism. By studying domestic and overseas primary literatures on feminism,the author compares different schools of the theory of difference and equality;and finds that in the theoretical development of the conceptions of equality and difference,the meanings of ‘equality’ and ‘difference’ are enriched,the binary opposition of equality and difference is gradually rejected,the differences of genders are dynamically understood,and the extrication from the “difference dilemma” is intended. It also proposes to transcend the western traditional principles of procedural equality,formal equality,and equality of opportunity,so as to achieve the goals of outcome equality,resource equality,and substantive equality.
Feminists think that liberalism has made great contribution to women’s gaining the right to vote,the right to education,the right to fair employment and participation in market activities,and so on;but the ontology and the epistemology of traditional binary thinking,and the basic liberal propositions devoid of gender perspective are still hindering the general improvement of women’s status. If we want to make space for conversations between feminism and liberalism,it is essential to sort out the dialectical relationship between equality and difference,recognize the discrepancies among different communities,pay more attention to the voices of vulnerable groups and give them respect and consideration. This is interlinked with the feminist proposition that multilateral difference should be the precondition for equality.
Key Words: feminism;liberalism;equality;difference;criticism