Report of the Commission of Enquiry/1
(The fourteen Maps are inserted in the pocket of the cover.)
1.China and Japan.
2.Political Map of Manchuria.
3.Railway Map of Manchuria.
4.Relief Map of Manchuria.
5.Military Situation in Manchuria before September 18th, 1931.
6.Chart of the Mukden Incident(September 18th—19th, 1931).
7.Military Situation in Manchuria about September 30th, 1931.
8.Military Situation in Manchuria about December 10th, 1931.
9.Military Situation in Manchuria about May 1st, 1932.
10.Military Situation in Manchuria about August 20th, 1932.
11.Shanghai Area.
12.City of Shanghai.
13.Principal Route Map Showing Itineraries of the Commission in the Far East.
14.Supplementary Route Map showing Itineraries of the Commission in the Far East.
(1) 编者按:《国联调查团报告书》(英文版)录自日内瓦1932年10月1日公布的官方版本,该版本现藏于日内瓦国联图书馆。
(2) 编者按:《国联调查团报告书》的地图有清晰版本,研究者若有需要,可以联系编者获取,此处从略。